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The real fucking deal.
Life strategist.
Relationship Whisperer.

I know what it’s like to endure challenging relationships that leave you with no choice but to rebel. I know what it’s like to be judged for how you react to those relationships, and I know the pain that follows. But I also know how to work through the hurt to find true healing. 

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So let’s get to it.

Healing means doing things on our own terms. It’s through finding freedom of choice that I’ve been able to defy expectations, redefine success and pursue my dreams with deliberation and excitement. And it’s through building the life that I truly want to live that I have tapped into my magic — a magic that I am ready to own and share.

My gifts stem from what I like to call uncommon common sense, or the ability to see past illusions and self-created narratives, to the reality that lives just beyond. It’s a blend of practical and mystical; an ability to reduce complex situations to simple, healthy reactions while remaining in tune with the emotions and energy around me. But at the end of the day, it’s a connection to the innate wisdom of the universe that has allowed me to truly connect with my thoughts, my feelings and myself. 

IT’S THIS CONNECTION: to your power, your gifts, and the life you want to live that I can guide you to.

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