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Wild Child Healing is a spiritual journey customized to your precise needs. I work with souls of all ages and backgrounds to help identify where issues in your life are coming from, and how we can address those problems in healthy, productive ways. 

I guide those I work with to understand how past relationships impact their current ones, and how we can stop toxic patterns and heal old wounds to create enriching relationships that meet the needs of both our inner children and future selves. My methods of healing are rooted in radical honesty. I provide insightful, transformative advice that is rooted in common sense and rational thinking because I believe that understanding and confronting reality is how we…


Get ready for some tough love. I’m here to point out the toxicity in your life — when it comes from others, and especially when it comes from you. But we’re not going to dwell here. I will work with you to create a game plan to get you from your current self, to the future self you want, while guiding you to develop intuitive skills and rational thought patterns that will strengthen your relationship with yourself.   

What excites me most about the journey I take with you is the part you carry on without me as your strategist. My goal is to provide clarity, light and support as your soul undertakes a journey of healing, but ultimately, our work together is based on finding freedom. The freedom for you to embrace your inner wild child and build the life of your dreams with confidence, rationality, and a little bit of magic.

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